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  • Triskaidekaphobia…

    *pronounced tris-?ki-?de-k?-‘fo-be-? or tris-,k?-,de-k?-‘fo-be-? according to Merriam-Webster online.
    A long word stemming from the Latin and defined as ‘fear of the number 13’.

    Although those afflicted with this very real condition are always finding ways around confronting the number 13, there is most commonly a rise in the concern for the fear of the number 13 when the thirteenth of a month lands on Friday.

    Well, maybe this year there will be a nulling factor for Friday the Thirteenth (I mean the date, not the movie) because we, in fact, have two of them back-to-back.

    Because we learn in math that two negatives make a positive, maybe that will hold true regarding Friday the thirteenth in February and March 2009?

    We will take solace in this comforting thought and confront the third occurrence in November 2009 M U C H later in the year. After all, why rush the year any faster than it already is passing by?

    Only the Best and Comfort to You!